Sunday, 20 February 2011

School opening again tomorrow

The school is opening again tomorrow and we can start to try to get back to normal. The situation is far from over but the word on the street is that talks are under way although its not being openly admitted. I think there is a realisation that something has to give to find a solution. Anyway it seems much calmer now and hopefully a satisfactory solution will be found. A number of students havent returned from holiday and some families were sent home by their employers so we will be down a bit on numbers. Not sure how many are involved, not too many I think. I have spent the day preparing a wikispace website so that we can provide some work for those who are not at school. We went out this afternoon to the supermarket we normally use. Things were absolutely normal, perhaps a little quieter than we would expect.

We "interviewed" our new maid today and she is starting tomorrow. A bit of cleaning here and there so that Sheila can relax a bit more and I can feel a little less guilty! Sheila has not relinquished the washing and ironing yet. I think she secretly loves those chores!

Thanks for the many messages and enquiries as to our well being.

David and Sheila (Two staff now)

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