Friday, 28 October 2011

Busy weekend

It seems like no time at all since I was excitedly looking forward to the Bahrain Open and now it was a week ago! This weekend sees an action-packed time in the Spittal calendar. Sheila was out with the girls last night so is still tucked up in bed. I am about to get ready for the weekly golf  competition. Its sone oriental prizes this week because its the Taiwan Cup. I have actually seen the prizes because I am now on the Handicaps and Competitions Committee because one of the members had to leave the island with his work suddenly. Anyway, the prizes look nice so we'll wait and see what happens.

After that its back to Budaiya to continue moving the small items of furniture and other belongings from one house to the other. The furniture van is due tomorrow (Saturday) to move the big stuff and then we will be moved. I promise to get the camera out and let you see what the new gaff looks like.

OK showertime, be seein' ya.

1 comment:

  1. You will have moved house by now I expect and trying to get all your bits and pieces in order. How did the golf go yesterday did you win any of the big prizes,We both played in the bank of scotland this morning Alec drew Dave was 8 down the Ladies were 2 down not bad considering that we played an all male team.we are watching the golf from Valderama at the moment this is the final day.OUR CLUB DANCE IS fRIDAY ONLY SOLD 34 TICKETS, ITS A POOR SHOW FROM THE MEMBERS.BUT NEVER MIND THE SHOW MUST GO ON.THE CLOCKS WENT BACK 1 HOUR LAST NIGHT SO IT IS BEGINNING TO GET DARK. COLIN AND JUDITH HAD A RUN UP TO THE CARAVAN YESTERDAY AND DRAINED OFF THE WATER.WE HAD A VISIT FROM ASHLEY YESTERDAY I WAS OUT BUT SHE HAD A BLETHER WITH HER GRANDAD,MUST GO AND SORT OUT THE TEA I COOKED A BIT OF HAM YESTERDAY SO THATS WHATS ON THE MENU.BYE FOR NOW LOVE MUMXXX


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