Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Did the earth move for you honey?

Although the big earthquake was in nearby Iran, only a slight tremor was felt here in Bahrain. Personally we never noticed it but some tall buildings were evacuated as a precaution.
All safe and well here. The hotel next to Ashley's shop was one of those evacuated but she was in the shop at the time and I believe, like us, felt nothing.

1 comment:

  1. We saw the news about the earthquake but they only mentioned saudi glad you are all okay.good pictures of you both at the golf club I hope you enjoyed the gala dinner.very cold here today again looks like we are about to get more snow bowling club opens sat.some greens opened last week but its too cold for me.Going to the indoors with Doris to watch a playoff Jeans rink just waiting on my lift so thought I would send you a wee note while I'm waiting.Take care speak to you soon love mum xx


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