Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Postman Pat arrives again

Many thanks for the cards and gifts arrived today in the post for Sheila's birthday. She has been trying hard to forget but the cards keep arriving and reminding her.

Had my first parents evening today. They call it evening but its from 3pm till 5.30pm. Hardly an evening but its great from my point of view.

Remember I said I had hired the wee man to wash my car. What I didnt realise is that he washes the car every other day and wipes it over with a chamois leather on the alternate days. It's never looked so clean. What a man! He takes our rubbish away and tends to the garden leaving nothing for us to do except soak up the sun. Now that I have my CPR residency card I can buy a car if I want to. We will be doing some serious car hunting over the next couple of weeks to finalise whether to buy or lease until the summer. I also can now apply for my Bahraini driving licence which I have to do although it looks doubtful if any of the locals have one! Anything goes on the roads here. If a junction is busy people just go off road and bypass the junction altogether. If there is a big queue waiting to turn at traffic lights you can be sure that someone will drive right up to the front and then cut in to the space in front of you. Driving licence!!!

Chicken lasagne for tea tonight. I can smell it from here.
Cheers for now

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