Monday, 25 October 2010

Two months in and still standing

Well that's almost two months in and we are still surviving. Our very busy period is probably now behind us and we are beginning to settle in to a less hectic lifestyle. The house is organised with only a few non-emergency bits and pieces needed to complete it. The car is ordered and we should get that in the next couple of days as long as the lease is approved.

I am planning to play golf this weekend, at least on the driving range if not the course and we can start to explore the island and some of the tourist attractions. We will try to put together a visitors guide in time for anyone who stops by. I am naturally finding less to blog about as our lifestyle settles so the time may be near for the updates to stop or at least slow down a little. I dont really want it to turn into meaningless posts about us going to the shops for the messages! I know from the feedback that many of you have enjoyed reading the updates and I have enjoyed reading the comments that you have added.

Time for work now so will sign off meantime.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you are saying but a blog now and again would be nice as I look forward to hearing from you. It was minus here today but very sunny and dry I quite like it like that I was in the garden for hours yesterday tidying up colin helped by cutting the hedge which was a great help.Dave was on duty at the indoors.Colin and family are all at the caravan if its cold like this I dont know if they will stay long but judith text to say they were nice and cosy Bye for now love to you both xx


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